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Smart Solutions

for rural areas

FUTURAL will prototype, test, and demonstrate community-led, social, technological and business innovations in different geographical and socio-cultural rural contexts. It will deliver a set of digital Smart Solutions to address key societal, environmental and financial challenges and empower rural communities to engage in change.

Smart solutions tailored to rural communities’ needs

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EU Rural Innovation Forum

Context FUTURAL (Empowering the future through innovative smart solutions for rural areas) is an EU – funded innovation project led by the Agricultural University of Athens, involving 21 partners across

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Key Objectives


Community-led innovations

Co-design, implement, monitor, and evaluate community-led social and business innovations based on digital smart solutions.

Smart Solutions

Test, pilot, and demonstrate the digital smart solutions for the 5 FUTURAL domains to address social and environmental challenges faced by rural communities.

Capacity Building

Strengthen the capacity of rural communities to realise the potential of community- led innovations based on the proposed SS.

Networking and synergies

Establish synergies with rural innovator and CAP networks, smart villages, organisations, and other projects to enhance relations and knowledge exchange.


Propose policies and governance frameworks to maximise the project’s contribution in achieving future CAP objectives related to smart villages and develop business models to mainstream solutions.

FUTURAL's Results

For more resilient and sustainable rural areas, better connected and capable of improving their citizens’ well-being

Smart Solutions

consisting of a set of

Digital Smart Solutions
Different Domains

OC smart solutions

to extend the smart solutions portfolio

Metasearch Platform

integrating Smart Solutions & offering matchmaking capabilities

Inclusive business models

enabling upscaling and replicability of Smart Solutions

Policy guidelines and Governance Frameworks

aiming to enhance rural communities’ ability to evolve

Ecosystem and capacity building

enabling co-creation of innovations and motivating rural stakeholders

FUTURAL Multi-Actor Pilots (MAPs)

boost the overall project impact

Open Call

To fuel the growth trajectory of digital solutions for rural area empowerment and boost the overall project impact, FUTURAL will launch a single Open Call providing Financial Support to Third Parties as a mechanism to increase the number of Smart Solutions available to rural communities and accelerate network expansion.

The Open Call will encourage SMEs and other interested parties (startups and research organisations) to develop and apply their own smart solutions within the 5 FUTURAL domains, increasing the number of SS available to rural communities.

The Open Call will accept proposals from consortia of 2-4 parties (≥1 technical party and ≥1 rural community) and will result in at least 10 projects (max 120k euro per project – up to 60k Euro for each third party.

Our Partners

The FUTURAL collaboration brings together 21 partners from ten (10) EU countries to reinforce a multi-actor approach by bringing together academic and research institutes, industrial companies, service providers and non-profit organisations from across the IT, Social Science and Humanities, Business, Rural research, policy and public administration sectors.