FUTURAL (Empowering the future through innovative smart solutions for rural areas) is an EU – funded innovation project led by the Agricultural University of Athens, involving 21 partners across Europe. The project aims to test and pilot a set of community-led, social, technological, and business innovations designed to create lasting change through collaboration with rural communities.
Within this context, the project will organise its first EU-wide Rural Innovation Forum (EU-RIF), a two-day networking event bringing together stakeholders from the rural ecosystem (FUTURAL Multi-Actor Pilots – MAPs, rural innovators, rural networks, policymakers and implementers, EU-funded projects, organisations, and entrepreneurs) aiming to set the groundwork for capacity building and expertise sharing on smart community-led innovation in rural areas.
The EU-RIF meeting aims to:
- Increase the capacity of rural communities to implement and adopt social, technological, and business innovations by organising a series of workshops on capacity building and policy/governance frameworks.
- Present and share experiences from the co-creation of innovations in the MAPs.
- Introduce the Alpha version of the FUTURAL Smart Solutions and Metasearch Platform.
- Maximise the interaction and knowledge sharing between FUTURAL MAPs, partners, and participating experts from within and outside the project.
Υοu can see the event’s agenda here
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