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Novità da FUTURAL: Le nostre attività nel Novembre 2023

November has been a busy month for our active consortium, especially for one of our partners! During this month, our esteemed colleague, alchemia nova participated in three events, raising project’s awareness.

Interested to learn more? Then have a look at the events that our partner had the opportunity to attend and the synergies created.

On November 15th 2023, alchemia-nova participated in the 1st Circular Carbon Economy Summit in Vienna, Austria.

During the same period, the FUTURAL project was also present in another event (14-16 November 2023), the 1st Mission Arena by Blue Mission BANOS, in Gothenburg, Sweden. Again, the credit goes to alchemia nova.

Mission BANOS is the leading authority for the Baltic and North Sea, coordinating Mission Ocean’s actions in the region. The regional focus of the initiative lies in the circular-economy and achieving carbon neutrality in the blue economy. Blue Mission BANOS is made up of 17 partner organizations from the Baltic and North Sea room and is funded by Horizon Europe.

Through interactive sessions, workshops, pitching events, demonstrations and networking, the 1st Mission Arena served as a laboratory to:

  • Pave the way for innovative blue economy solutions in the Western Baltic
  • Showcase local, regional and national approaches for a circular, carbon-neutral blue economy
  • Provide concrete pathways for the EU’s Mission Ocean’s success

(More information about the event:

During the event, 468 participants from 29 countries were informed about the FUTURAL’s vision to deliver a set of digital Smart Solutions (SS) to address pressing social and environmental challenges in rural areas. Attendees also learned more about the project’s forthcoming open call, as a mechanism to increase the number of SS available to rural communities , boost the project’s impact and accelerate network expansion.

Last but not least, on the 22nd of November 2023, alchemia nova participated in the Engage4BIO 4th co-creation workshop in Linz, Austria, helping to spread the word about the FUTURAL project!

An event for bio-economy projects, Engage4Bio 4th co-creation workshop gathered participants with a common goal to accelerate the exploitation of innovations and foster co-operations within the bio-economy sector. Thanks to our partner, alchemia nova, the FUTURAL project gained attention and made its contribution, by sharing vital insights towards the implementation of innovations on regional level. During the event, the alchemia nova team had the opportunity to establish strong relationships with stakeholders and potential synergies for the FUTURAL project.

Are you interested in learning more about our activities? Follow our social media accounts for the latest updates!


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