As climate change is unfolding, floods and droughts take the spotlight in Europe’s rural stage. FUTURAL project is riding the current for climate resilience in rural areas, with an aim to develop an online platform to address these challenges, unleashing the potential of hydrological models and Nature-Based Solutions (NBS).
For this purpose, on November 28, 2023 a meeting was held in Diksmuide (Belgium) in which the IHE Delft Institute For Water Education, our project’s Smart Solution Provider for climate adaptation and mitigation, participated together with local stakeholders, including the Flemish Environmental Agency, the Environment and Spatial Planning Department of the Flemish Government, the Flemish Land Company, the Agricultural Research Centre INAGRO, and the Provincie West-Vlaanderen (Belgium, Westhoek, Flanders MAP Leader).
IHE Delft, acting as the service provider, collaborated with the stakeholders in fluid, comprehensive discussions, delving into user needs. All parties came together and reached a consensus on the key focus areas for climate services, aiming to achieve shared benefits.